The privacy policy statement is given to clients at the initial signing of the client contract and mailed or emailed once annually. Mark Pletts, Chief Compliance Officer, will document the date the Privacy Policy was mailed to
each client for each year. WCA collects nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
- Information we receive from you on applications or other forms;
- Information about your transactions with us or others.
We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about clients to anyone, except as permitted by law. If a client decides to close an account(s) or become an inactive customer, WCA will adhere to the privacy policies and
practices as described in this notice.
WCA restricts access to personal and account information to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to clients. WCA maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard
nonpublic personal information.
The following individuals also have access to this nonpublic information:
Mark Pletts, Managing Member, Principal, and CCO
David Baratta, Managing Member, Principal
Jon Kennedy, Managing Director, Principal
Nancy Hughes, Managing Director, Principal
Colin Watkins, Associate Wealth Manager
Madeline Longo, Associate Wealth Advisor
Brandon Agneberg, Associate Wealth Advisor
Evan Kennedy, Investment Analyst
Sydney Shearer, Executive Assistant
Benjamin Sjodin, Operations Associate
Mary Mortensen, Administrative Assistant
WCA uses various methods to store and archive client files and other information. All third-party services or contractors used have been made aware of the importance WCA places on both firm and client information
security. When storing non-public information with third party providers, we ensure that security and privacy policies are part of the providers’ protocol.
To mitigate a possible breach of private information in our offices and on our systems, WCA will password protect and or encrypt data that individuals have access to. This system will be tested and monitored annually. In addition
to electronic and personnel measures WCA has implemented reasonable physical security measures at our office locations and remote locations to prevent unauthorized access to our facilities.
WCA will retain records for at least 5 years, or as otherwise required by applicable state or federal law. With respect to disposal of nonpublic personal information, WCA will take reasonable measures to protect against
unauthorized access to, or use of such information regarding its disposal.